Ancient Egypt Unit – Chicken Mummification

Teaching and learning should be fun and interesting, and few things have piqued my 5th grade ancient civilization classes’ interest more than mummifying a chicken. There’s something about this project that they just can’t keep their eyes or ears away from, and every year my students come away from it knowing the mummification process and understanding the Ancient Egyptian culture’s celebration of life and death. When they see mummification in action- even though it is a simulation- it becomes a little less weird to them and more of “Wow, I’ve never seen that and that’s cool!” It’s my hope that they’ll react that way to all of the things they encounter that are different to their way of life.

Below are some pictures of our chicken mummy and also instructions for you to mummify a chicken in your classes, as well. Please send me some pictures and let me know how your students reacted!