Thomas Jefferson Podcast

Yesterday I gave my students a survey on, well, me as a teacher. It was by far the scariest thing I’ve done as a teacher so far, but it turned out okay.

One of the questions that I asked was how I could improve the class. One thing that students asked for was more group work and more work with technology. Since I’m taking this survey very seriously and I’m determined to become a better teacher, I decided I’d answer their request immediately.

My newest project is a podcast about one aspect of Thomas Jefferson’s presidency. In essence, students will be teaching themselves and each other about the Louisiana Purchase, Lewis & Clark’s expedition, The Barbary Wars, and the Embargo Act of 1807. When I passed out the directions for this project the excitement in the room exploded and students were focused and got right to work. I’m really looking forward to hearing their creations. See the instructions below:

Besides responding to my students requests and thus showing them respect while also gaining their respect, the best part of this project is that they are free to be creative. They aren’t simply creating a digital lecture. Many have chosen to act out the way these events went down, or to create a radio newscast complete with interviews. When my students have finished their projects, I’ll be sure to post one or two.

One response to “Thomas Jefferson Podcast”

  1. What a great assignment! I bet the response proved rewarding.